It probably has been a while for a lot of people to be on a proper vacation. With the pandemic still in our midst, most are probably really bored and want to travel. Someone in our travel circle went to Hawaii recently and we’re quite jealous. But, we got her to provide us with some tips and recommendations that we’d like to share here for those planning to travel.
Hawaii is such a wonderful and amazing vacation destination. But, is it open now? How is travel right now? Yes, Hawaii is now open. They’ve got some requirements in place to do the best they can to create a safe experience for both visitors and residents.
Before travelling to any destination, always do your homework and be ready for unique requirements and additional paperwork. For Americans planning to go to Hawaii, you have to complete a safe travel Hawaii protocol requirement paper that you can do online. If you’re fully vaccinated, you put your card and upload that card, and if you’re not fully vaccinated they require a negative PCR test before you travel. Once you get to the airport, you will be given a wristband so you can bypass the quarantine and entry. So, you should be good as long as you’re fully vaccinated or have provided a negative COVID test.
What’s important and what people are looking for when it comes to vacation destinations are different for everyone. Some like trekking up the mountain and some like to be by the beach to relax and just bask in the sun. Hey, check out our list below to give you some idea.
1. Visit the beaches of Maui
If you like to hit the beach (and who doesn’t), start at West Maui with some of our favourite beaches. Check out Kapalua Bay and Napili Bay. Both are beautiful beaches and are perfect places to enjoy the day swimming and snorkelling. In South Maui is the Ulua beach and of course Makena Beach (Big Beach). One thing about Maui is that it’s got a little bit of everything when it comes to beaches. It has gold sand beaches, lava rock coves especially in Wailea, long stretches of beaches like in Napili, beautiful sunsets and turquoise water with plentiful sea turtles. It’s truly amazing.

2. Tour Maui Ku‘ia Estate Chocolate factory
If you like chocolate, it might make sense to check out this somewhat off the beaten path destination in Maui. The Maiu Ku’ia Estate Chocolate factory is located in Lahaina. They offer a guided 90-minute Maui Chocolate Tour that will show you their 20-acre cacao orchard with friendly and knowledgeable tour guides. The tour ends with an excellent chocolate tasting session savouring the award-winning chocolate they produce. The factory hosts tastings from its rooftop pavilion and sells an amazing assortment of chocolate pastries, drinks and bars.
3. Dine at Merriman’s Restaurant in Kapalua
If you’re in Kapalua and looking for fine dining, try Merriman’s. They have delicious seafood right on Kapalua Bay. It’s an absolutely beautiful location and we love when we get a chance to go to dinner and eat there. The restaurant is a pioneer in the “Farm to Table” concept where it only serves the freshest products, with at least 90% locally grown or caught, using only sustainable methods.

4. Be amazed by the Nakalele Blowhole
The Nakalele blowhole is located about a 20-minute drive from Kapalua. We were totally blown away to witness how powerful the ocean is. The blowhole would go off shooting water at least 50 feet high so you should keep your distance as it can be dangerous. Just 10 minutes drive from the blowhole you may want to visit the Olivine pools. It is just amazing to see how big and powerful the ocean waves are over there. It’s truly one scenic area in Maui to visit if you’re into nature.
5. Explore the Twin Falls
We love exploring Twin Falls. These are beautiful waterfalls and you can often swim in the pools beneath them. As an aside, there’s a snack stand where you can get some delicious homemade baked bread and other goodies. It’s generally a short hike if you’re looking for an easy day out for everyone. The place is just great to go and relax and spend some time on North Shore Maui. Make sure you wear clothes and sandals you won’t care to get wet or dirty.
6. Stay at Fairmont in Maui
The Fairmont at Maui is a resort community that is perfect for relaxing and for those seeking a retreat. The entire resort is all suites and on the oceanfront. It is perfect for singles, couples and families. The accommodation includes pool areas, a terrific beach with bright blue skies and outstanding dining choices. There’s something for everybody at Fairmont.
Fairmont also has incentives and offers where you can participate in activities to make your vacation meaningful and to immerse yourself in the local culture. One you can do is to participate in reforesting trees near the volcano. You can also do a self-guided beach cleanup where you can learn about what all these plastics and other litter in the ocean do to marine life.
7. Volunteer with Kipuka Olowalu
Kipuka Olowalu is a non-profit group guided by the following values: Kupono (Honesty), Malama (care of property), Kokua (help with no expectation of reciprocation) and Aloha (love and compassion. The group signs up volunteers where one can learn about the environment and culture of the native Hawaiian. Definitely, something worthwhile for you to check out.
8. Watch Humpback Whales in Maui
Whale watching season in Maui is from mid-December to mid-April with the peak generally around January and February. If you’re planning to visit around these times, why not go check out all the different whale watching options Maui can offer. You can get some absolutely awe-inspiring views of humpback whales. It is one of our favourite things to do and we love whale season.

Well, that’s it with some of our favourite places and recommendations for those planning to travel to Maui. We recommend that you book early as things are operating at reduced capacity and people are starting to come back and vacation again. Make sure you book well in advance and have a safe and wonderful trip to Maui.
Credits: Feature photo by James Wheeler @ Pexels