Bacacay: A Summer Beach Destination in Albay

Many may come to Albay to see the nearly perfect Mayon Volcano which serves as a backdrop for the city of Legazpi and is visible from many towns across the province. But the province of Albay is more than just a destination for those who want to see Mayon – there’s so much more.

Beach lovers can rejoice at the fact that they can not only see wonderful sights but enjoy the sand and su as well. This is what the town of Bacacay provides: an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life where everyone can frolic in the shores.



Bacacay is home to several white-sand beaches that still have the “untouched by commercialization” feel. Here are a few of the resorts in town:

-Kuron-Kuron Beach Resort

-Viento de Mar Beach Resort

-VRT (Tanchuling) Beach Resort

-Michaelangelus Beach Resort

-Misibis Beachfront Resort

Misibis Bay Photo by:
Misibis Bay Photo by:

Man-made Attractions 

  • Cagraray Eco-Energy Park – offers activities such as wall climbing, zip-line, racing through the forest and other recreational, ecological and extreme adventure activities.
  • Cagraray Amphitheater – shaped like an ancient Greek amphitheater, this is where you can get unobstructed views of Albay Gulf and the Pacific. This is where events such as concerts, dramatic and theatrical presentations, fellowship nights, cocktails and private dinners are held.
  • Stella Maris Mary of the Sea Chapel – located on top of a hill, this picturesque Glass Chapel is a popular venue for weddings. It’s also located close to Misibis Bay Resort.

Natural Attractions 

  • Marble Reserve at Barangay Mataas – where you can find virgin marble in the Philippines.
  • Tanagan Falls – great place for those who enjoy hiking and admiring natural habitats. The cascading falls are equally beautiful as well.
  • Pinaghulogan Cave – accessible from Barangay Cagbulacao, this cave is believed to be a prehistoric burial cave after the uncovering of flattened head skulls, clay potteries and porcelain bracelets. Other caves that can be visited in other places in town include Mataas Cave and Tanagan Cave.
  • Sula Channel – connects Bacacay Bay to Albay Gulf.
  • Adam Rock Formation – found in Barangay Uson, this rock formation is unique in that it bears and eye-catching shape.
  • Uson Buang Pongco-Bonga Fish Sanctuary and Marine Reserve – covers 45 hectares and is one of the largest marine protected areas in Bicol. Here, you can enjoy scuba diving and snorkeling.

Other Activities

Cagraray Islands near Bacacay Photo by: Kate Borlasa of
Cagraray Islands near Bacacay Photo by: Kate Borlasa of 
  • Island hopping – you can pay around PHP 1,200 to get around several of the islands located close to Bacacay.
  • Watersports – take part in kayaking, jet skiing, wakeboarding, stand-up paddling and windsurfing in Misibis Bay Resort. 

How to get here 

Bacacay is about an hour away from Legazi City. There are two ways to get to Legazpi: by air and by land. From Legazpi, get on public transportation that will take you to Bacacay.

Getting to Legazpi by air 

Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines both offer daily flight to Legazpi City from Manila. Flight time is approximately an hour. 

Getting to Legazpi by bus 

Several bus liners have daily routes from Manila to Legazpi. The buses range from ordinary coaches to deluxe coaches with modern amenities. Travel time is about nine to 12 hours. Day trips offer much to see as the route passes the scenic Maharlika and Andaya Highways or take the overnight trip which is faster because of less traffic and stopping.

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6 thoughts on “Bacacay: A Summer Beach Destination in Albay”

  1. Hi! I’m interested in going in here, may I just ask how did you get from Legazpi to Bacacay? And how much would the transportation fees be? Thanks!

  2. Hello 🙂 we would like to go to Cagraray Eco Energy Park. How do we get there by public transport? I read that one can also go there by van for a very minimal fee, how do we do that?

    Thank you in advance for the help.


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